TW: Weight loss * How to gain access to Weight Loss and Weight Gain forums

Important information and introduction thread for new members.
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Coach Huld
Site Admin
Posts: 15
Joined: Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:22 pm
Pronouns: she/ her, ve/ ver
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Qualifications: Lvl 3 Personal Trainer : 2016
Corrective Exercise Specialist : 2020

TW: Weight loss * How to gain access to Weight Loss and Weight Gain forums

Post by Coach Huld »

TW: Discussion of weight loss and weight control.

All intentional weight change comes with risk. While this community seeks to be body neutral and fat liberationist space, we acknowledge that there are many reasons why someone might choose to lose weight. Some of these reasons are access to medical services, social and professional pressure, and much more.

We don't aim to police people's relationship to their own bodies and would like to be able to provide a safer space to seek risk-aware advice that takes every chance to reduce the harm that can be caused by intentionally changing weight, especially weight loss.

We have two hidden forums on this board specifically for people who desire to either lose or gain weight. We've separated them as they might both contain unique triggers.

To gain access to either one, click your profile icon in the top right corner of the page and go to your "User Control Panel". Once there, go to "Usergroups" and click the relevant user group you'd like to join.
she/ her, ve/ ver
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