Rules sections

Board rules

These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on Bismuth Community. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.

  1. You will

    1. Use Correct Pronouns If someone has stated their pronouns in their profile or signature, use those pronouns. If you don't know their pronouns, just use their name and - you know - ask. You can just ask. #
    2. Practice Anti-Racism. We are born into a world marked by white supremacy, and if you are white or otherwise non-Black, you are likely to still hold some racist learning. That is a basic fact you have to accept entering this space. Don't expect people of colour to teach you how to be anti-Racist, but when given opportunities to learn, take them with grace no matter how that teaching is given to you. Don't cling to your power and your privilege, and don't let your other marginalised identities fool you into thinking you are allowed to speak over Black, Indigenous and other People of Colour. #
    3. Seek Fat Liberation. You are not required to be a perfect paragon of fat positivity and liberation, but we expect people here to be doing work toward a society that doesn't centre thinness and doesn't pathologise fatness. There is a dedicated forum for people seeking support with weight loss, which is only visible on request to protect people for whom this would be a triggering space. Click here for information on how to access that forum. #
    4. Provide Trigger Warnings: If you are referencing or showing potentially triggering material, situations or discussions, you should open and preferably title your post with a TW and the specific potential triggers. Ex: Eating Disorders/ ED, Sexual Assault/ SA, transphobia, Medical Fat phobia, etc. #
    5. Listen, Reflect and Learn. If someone is telling you about their experience of marginalisation - or sharing their knowledge of other people's - listen. Don't get defensive if you're told you're wrong about something. Actually listen and reflect on what the other person is saying to you. #
    6. Give Grace. If someone has an opinion you don't agree with or lack knowledge you have, you are encouraged to challenge and/ or educate, but please give others some grace. This does not extend to people who clearly come in with bad faith. #
    7. Add image descriptions! I want this space to be as accessible as possible. Please add a description below any image you link or upload in this forum. #
  2. You will not

    1. Body Shame This is a fat liberationist and body neutral space. Don't ever shame, ridicule or "express concern" over someone else's body. Obviously, this especially goes for fat, disabled and trans bodies. Your relationship to yourown body is your own, but do not project those feelings onto others. #
    2. Tone Police. If you say something bigoted or otherwise harmful, expect correction. Those corrections might not be gentle or "nice", but kindness isn't always either of those things. If you feel like someone's rebuke of you is too harsh, involve an admin or a mod rather than try to hit back. Take a step back and ask yourself why their tone wasn't more gentle. #
    3. Double Down
      If you've been called out/ in for something you said or did, please for the sake of the peace of this space do not double down. If you're getting heated, close the window and step away. Maybe contact a mod/ admin to discuss what you're experiencing. #